Caller: I love, love, love Current Mood on Instagram, and I miss it so much. What are the plans for the show and what's on the schedule? I've been missing it.
JM: I think about Current Mood a lot. I love doing it. It's just that it is more of a time suck than anybody knows. It looks like it's just sort of a lucky shot each time that it works. But it's really just me—
AC: John puts thought into it, he comes up with bits. I mean he's not—
JM: My weekends are gone.
AC: Literally, he's like, "I have a show, I can't talk." I'm like, oh.
JM: So, I give myself until the Wednesday of that week. I'm one guy. I'm the only guy doing it. Wednesday I begin looking at guests and what could be the format of the show. Thursday I try to secure the guest. By Friday if I have a guest I get to put up that's what the show is.
Saturday I'm writing all day. And from the moment I wake up on Sunday I'm producing the show. Like, literally using Exacto knives to cut things.
AC: Right. He makes the sets! He makes the cards.
JM: And it's very, very intense.
So I really care about the show. And here's what I care about on social media: I call it a line of credit. When you go live, people go, "do I want to see that or not?" And you actually have a credit score. And the credit score is, "every time I click on him, do I get something that I like?" And if your credit score is low, and when it says, "John Mayer is now going live," you'll go, "well, I'll catch the next one."
So for me I think the reason so many people watch Current Mood, is because there's this little trust that what they're gonna watch has some kind of production or form to it, and to do that correctly, it takes up the energy I want to use these days for making music.
So the next time I'm in a break I would have all that extra energy to do a show, and one of these days I'll do another ten.