JM: I think about singers a lot when I play solos like that.
DD: Is that right?
JM: I think about Michael Jackson a lot when I play the guitar. You see that video of Michael Jackson and Prince at some new year's gig and Prince shows up high as a kite, knocks over the lamppost.
DD: Yeah yeah yeah! They’re doing a battle?
JM: Yeah, it’s James Brown. And James Brown says “Michael Jackson's here. Let's see Michael Jackson.” And Michael Jackson gets up and all of a sudden they go into like this sort of It's a Man's World groove, this halftime thing. And Michael Jackson all he says is [sings] and he starts going into now a double-time James Brown thing. And it's one of the greatest things I ever heard. I ever heard in my life. Oh, the other thing I think about is at the end of [sings "The Lady in My Life"] — that's on Off the Wall? At the end he's like [singing “I love you girl, I love you girl, I love you, I love you”]. I'm like, “that is a great riff on a guitar.” I don't like playing guitar parts on the guitar anymore. I like, sort of like, “what would you sing?” And then play that sort of —
But yeah man, those records. If you put on Thriller and you pretend that it was your record and you had a say in the mix, what a lesson because you’d change everything about it. Listen to Thriller and pretend it's your record and you can make mix notes you would have changed everything about that record. But that's the lesson is that that mix is everything is up front.