JJ Cale

Live in Irvine, CA 2013
Live intro to "Call Me the Breeze"

I woke up to learn, very sadly, that the world of music and guitar playing lost a really incredible musician and writer and guitar player and singer, Mr. JJ Cale. And I've had the pleasure and honor of working with him, and I know Jim [Keltner] did as well. It just so happens—not really a coincidence because his stuff is so great—that this is actually a JJ Cale song that is on the Paradise Valley record coming out. So we thought it would be a fitting tribute to a fantastic guitar player. And a guy who really lived his life under the spotlight completely and just loved being a guitar player and a writer.

So we send this out to the memory of JJ Cale and we are going to rock out to this thing called "Call Me the Breeze."

[Begins playing "Call Me the Breeze"]

Sob Rock album release stream
Via Clubhouse app

[Plays "Wild Blue" track]

That's a fun one to sing. Cause you don't really have to sing it. You just have to get super mellow and pretend you have a Camel light in your hand. [Sings] "Never seen the sun before..." I just recorded it twice. It's a very JJ Cale thing. So, [for] the vocal, I was thinking, well, really loved JJ Cale. You know, I still do love JJ Cale, and the way he sang. What if this kind of hypnotical jazz fusion thing had JJ Cale on top of it? [Sings] "Never seen the sun before, lying on the ocean floor."