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Slow Dancing in a Burning Room

Interview with My Stupid Mouth forum (2013)
Conducted by founder Richard Young
And now what’s interesting is that things are coming around to be sort of retro now. Slow Dancing is like the biggest song in the set and that wasn’t a single—it wasn’t anywhere close to being a single.
Tribute to Eddie Vedder
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Without Mike McCready and 'Yellow Ledbetter' there is no 'Slow Dancing in a Burning Room' and without their record No Code there would be no Born and Raised.
Interview with Steve Jordan
Layin' It Down With Steve Jordan, Part 2
Like when I hear people say like, he's just playing this and this and that and the guitar is just doing this person, that person. That's not untrue. I mixed it up in my songs. My songs are where they get blended. "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room" is my guitar style, I just have to compose a song to do it.
Interview with Steve Jordan
Layin' It Down With Steve Jordan, Part 1

And I do believe that if you took me out of my compositions and just put me in some uniform competition as a guitar player I'm forgotten.

SJ: I wouldn't say that. I mean, you're being humble about that abilities on the guitar.

JM: I think if you took the song away—the songwriting is what makes the guitar playing the guitar playing. The fact that I'm done singing, "I'm slow dancing in a burning room," and people know the arrangement and I'm about to go into a solo is what gives the solo its power.